Why The Om Dietitian?

Hello my lovely audience and thank you for choosing to make the decision to take part in this journey with me and taking the time to focus on your own wellbeing. I feel like the more people who are interested to make this journey into their health and wellbeing, the better the world will be!

I have been fortunate enough to learn so much about nutrition, yoga and wellbeing from many wonderful people and now I feel it’s time that I in turn share this knowledge. I’d like to share this view point as a friend, from someone living and experiencing this truth. This is what I have experienced, this is what I know. I believe you are your own best teacher. In order to understand my truth you must be able to experience it for yourself and for the process to work for you. Then it will also be your truth and way of life.

‘I’ve never felt so confident and excited about the possibilities of life since I started listening inwards and inviting yoga into my life’

I say this because I spent years as a Dietitian telling people what they should and shouldn’t eat, what they should weigh and why they should change. I’m not saying this approach isn’t right, I’m saying it wasn’t for me.

My aim is to create a beautiful space for people to explore their mind and body through yoga as well as foster positive relationships with food we use to nourish ourselves. The outcome?  Long lasting healthy habits, strengthening of mind and body to cope with life stressors and a lifestyle that allows you to live life to the full while you continue to explore, to reach your true potential and find your truth.

After a mind opening experience learning about the non-diet approach founded by Fiona Sutherland and Fiona Miller I decided this was it, this was exactly the path I wanted to follow. Combining this approach with Yoga Teacher Trainings I have completed, I came up with the idea of integrating the two ideas to form The Om Dietitian.

I’m a big believer that everything happens for a reason and experiences lead us to directions we didn’t see coming! When I look back at the experiences I’ve had. Both positive and negative. I can see how these moments have prepared me for my present and future endeavors and how these have shaped the person I am today. I’ve never felt so confident and excited about the possibilities of life since I started listening inwards and inviting yoga into my life. This may sound strange and a bit hippy. it’s certainly not easy to explain but bear with me as your follow me on this road. I would love your feedback too along the way if there is any content you would like me to include and I’ll do my best to make sure this is covered in the up coming blogs!